Blue hour appears twice a day - before sunrise and after sunset. It can bring interesting blue to your photos. Also it's the time when intensity of artificial light is similar to the intensity of daylight. It means that you can capture illuminated buildings, street lights, sky and even nature behind together by one shutter press.
You need to be ready. It is called like an hour but conditions in the sky are changing quickly. At first, there is too dark. Later - the chance lasting few minutes and then - too much light in the air. Morning and game over. And vice versa in the evening: too bright - the chance - good night.
Shoot from the bell
Have you noticed the bell in front of the church? Another room for experiment. Make it closer change different angles, shoot through the bell. Focus in, focus out... Change those point lights to your advantage. Use another artificial lights like company logos, lamps, street widows, whatever...
And finally statues. Do you know any model that looks natural, does not blink or run away, nothing throws at you and is still interestingly enlightened. He’s here! Make him part of the night, like a guard, mystery. Push him into the city, push him behind the city like a mystery. Nice Bethlehem.
OK, it’s morning, people are coming and I have to continue to the work. Never mind. By the way what are your blue hour photos? Share on twitter.
– J O U R N A L –
So many nice images all over the internet. So why you should
How to make it blue & calm. Good light, water and sky
How to catch an abstract flame. Focus on a fire to have a fun